AWS VPC Projects on Skillmix

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If you’re working with AWS, there’s a good chance you’ll need to interact with the AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) service at some point. VPC provides an isolated networking space in the cloud for companies. Both serverful and serverless applications end up using it, so it’s worth learning.

We’ve created a handful of projects to help you learn about how to use VPC. These projects will take you from novice to an intermediate level of knowledge about VPC. You’ll learn how to build a basic VPC with just one subnet, all the way to building a VPC that has site to site VPN capabilities.

The labs are listed below. You can practice these on your own AWS account, or signup for Skillmix to practice on our lab accounts.

AWS VPC With One Subnet

AWS VPC with Two Subnets

A VPC with Two Public Subnets

A VPC with Public and Private Subnets

A VPC with Site to Site VPN

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